Wednesday 20 August 2014

TS - Meeting Notes

Meeting Notes - Notebook, Sticky Note, Pen, Marker, Pencil, Colour Pencil, White Out
After yesterday I needed a bit more raggedness and less confinement in the way I draw lines today. Well the result can be seen above. It was created from a little doodle on a sticky note (see below) during a meeting. I turned the sticky note into something a bit more once at home.

Seed for Meeting Notes - Pen, Marker and Sticky Note
I am quite pleased with the result for several reasons:
  • It was getting late here and I was tempted to just claim that the sticky note is my sketch for the day but then I remembered the white out I have here and I thought that the white, pink and red from the sticky note would go together really well. Now I was hooked into finding out what else to put around this and in the end I overcame my pull towards bed and sat down for a while. Success!
  • I also like the sketch because it was ragged and allowed me to do quick pencil strokes, I just find them very enjoyable.
  • Thirdly the style of drawing reminds me of how my dad used to draw and I admire his style. Especially arrows and right angles were his thing. 

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