Saturday 9 August 2014

Tägliche Skizze - Zen Garten

Zen Garten - Aquarelle and Ink
After yesterday was such a sad excuse of a nice sketch I felt much more interested in taking up the pencil again today. And I think the results are much more pleasing, to me at least.

Below is the sketch which I made after having put the aquarelle on the paper and when trying to decide what to make with the two diagonal lines. I almost like the sketch better, just in terms of it's proportions and the more sketch like character. I also did not use a ruler for the sketch which makes it look more natural and organic, in the actual picture I used a ruler to establish general lines and perspective with a pencil before retracing some of them with the dip pen.

Let me know what you think in the comments - Rulers rule! or No more rulers please!
Zen Garten Sketch - H3 Pencil
I also noticed, once again, that I need to use a scanner, just snapping a picture with a camera is not producing the best results. Once I am back at work I can use the scanner there and hopefully provide better quality images.

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