Monday 18 August 2014

TS - Brown on Blue v.5.1

Brown on Blue v.5.1 - Made with Sketches on the ipad
I know that this brown and blue theme might get a bit boring for some people as it seems to be the only thing I'm doing right now but I like coming back to the same theme every night. I still enjoy the colour combination and somehow it is exciting from a creative standpoint to limit yourself onto one topic or theme and see how many variations you can find of it that you like.

Being limited -in my case limiting yourself- reminds me of a TED talk by Phil Hansen, an artist who has permanent nerve damage in his hands and therefore cannot draw a straight line anymore. After fighting against the shake in his hands for a long time he finally starts to embrace the limitation and says that it is the biggest contributor to his success and hist artistic expression. But don't take my short explanation. View the talk below, it is worth the time.

Coming back to the Brown on Blue
It is extremely relaxing to work on the same thing every night. Especially this week I hope that this will help me to continue my ambitious experiment of doing something artistic every day. I am now back full time at work after a relaxing summer and this week will be my Acid Test to see whether I can keep up with my ambitions as work life will try to take over my life again. So far I am sticking to my rule of "what isn't done at night just won't get done that day."

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