Thursday 21 August 2014

TS - Digital Circle Training

Digital Circle Training - Made with Sketches on the ipad
Another sad day for my drawings. These are nowhere near the quality I like to uphold myself to but I just didn't feel it today. Maybe that is OK though, it is unrealistic to always be in the mood for something. I think my more important goal which I am working on is anyways to work on something I enjoy more regularly and by forcing myself into this routine of doing it every night I get away from continuing to work on work stuff, get away from the internet (mostly a bane to my leisure time) as well as create the opportunities to be creative on those days that I am "feeling it".


  1. na wo bleiben denn die nächsten Skizzen?
    nicht dass ich es jeden Tag schaffen würde, aber eine kleine Krikkelei sollte doch mal wieder drin sein :)

  2. Hast ja recht. Jetzt kommt wieder regelmäßig was.
    Hatte Besuch und dann hat die Faulheit mich übermannt.
