Thursday 14 August 2014

Tägliche Skizze - Two Hands

Hand 1 - Marker, Pencil, Colour Pencil
I thought that it would be a good idea to retrace the rough, block outline of the initial hand sketch with a marker so that it would shine through the drawing later on. Obviously I should have chosen a light grey or very fine marker rather than this fat and intense black marker which made it very hard to actually produce any proper shape of the hand. I find the end result a bit out of proportion and with a boring and too angular appeal.

On the up side it makes this picture look a bit like something I could find in a drawing by Otto Dix.
Another good thing, even though I'm not super excited about the picture is that I got to sit down after dinner for a bit and just relax, listen to some music and do something that, while requiring attention and thought, doesn't feel exhausting but relaxing after a long day at work.

Below is a sketch from earlier last year of a hand in more or less the same pose. I like it better as it looks like a nice and strong hand that could actually belong to a human. I was flipping through my sketch book, which I had started some time last year with the same idea in mind as this blog is serving, to find some inspiration for what to draw today. This is how I ended up on the hand theme.
Hand 2 - Pencil, Colour Pencil

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