Sunday 31 August 2014

TS - Brown on Blue v.6.0

Brown on Blue v.6.0 - Colour Pencil, Pencil
Another one on the Brown on Blue Theme. It originally was a bit boring (see below) but cutting the picture up and gluing it back together made a nice difference. At least I think it did.

BP - Sunrise

Sunrise - B6 Pencil, Colour Pencil
A little bonus picture from yesterday. I like grey, especially soft and (as odd as it might sound) warm grey tones.

TS - Scratches

Scratches - Pencil, Colour Pencil, Tape
This was actually made yesterday, I just didn't get it uploaded last night.


It's been a while since my last picture and and that can be blamed on me spending some time with visiting family. At least for a couple of the days but any picture that I haven't uploaded since last Wednesday fully goes on the account of me being too lazy and proves that my fears of loosing steam on this project were real. As soon as I put the pencil down for only one night it becomes progressively harder each day to pick it up again.

Thursday 21 August 2014

TS - Digital Circle Training

Digital Circle Training - Made with Sketches on the ipad
Another sad day for my drawings. These are nowhere near the quality I like to uphold myself to but I just didn't feel it today. Maybe that is OK though, it is unrealistic to always be in the mood for something. I think my more important goal which I am working on is anyways to work on something I enjoy more regularly and by forcing myself into this routine of doing it every night I get away from continuing to work on work stuff, get away from the internet (mostly a bane to my leisure time) as well as create the opportunities to be creative on those days that I am "feeling it".

Wednesday 20 August 2014

TS - Meeting Notes

Meeting Notes - Notebook, Sticky Note, Pen, Marker, Pencil, Colour Pencil, White Out
After yesterday I needed a bit more raggedness and less confinement in the way I draw lines today. Well the result can be seen above. It was created from a little doodle on a sticky note (see below) during a meeting. I turned the sticky note into something a bit more once at home.

Tuesday 19 August 2014

TS - Brown on Blue v.4.1 (unfinished)

Brown on Blue v.4.1 - Pencil and Colour Pencil
Not a good day for sketching. I started with this sketch being all excited about recreating Brown on Blue v.4.0 but once I had drawn out the circles and started filling them with different tones of blue I quickly became unsatisfied with what I was producing. Somehow the colours were missing the vividness you can give them when you draw more free hand, mixing them and pushing the pencil down hard sometimes and only barely touching the paper other times. This was too mechanical for today and didn't feel like me drawing. I needed something that would be rough around the edges* but as soon as I had stared with this everything went sour (see above).

Monday 18 August 2014

TS - Brown on Blue v.5.1

Brown on Blue v.5.1 - Made with Sketches on the ipad
I know that this brown and blue theme might get a bit boring for some people as it seems to be the only thing I'm doing right now but I like coming back to the same theme every night. I still enjoy the colour combination and somehow it is exciting from a creative standpoint to limit yourself onto one topic or theme and see how many variations you can find of it that you like.

Sunday 17 August 2014

TS - Brown on Blue v.4.0

Brown on Blue v.4.0 - Made with Adobe Line on the ipad
Another digital take on the brown and blue theme, this time however with circles rather than squares.

Friday 15 August 2014

Bonus Picture/Story - The Long Tailed Honey Badger

The Long Tailed Honey Badger - Aquarelle and Pencil

The Long Tailed Honey Badger in his natural habitat
The Long Tailed Honey Badger is a fierce animal, just like his bad ass cousin the Honey Badger who just 'don't give a shit'. The Long Tailed Honey Badger though is most commonly found in artists studios where they live in their natural habitat, the scrap paper. Here, amongst blotches of paint from testing out colours or cleaning the paint brushes, the Long Tailed Honey Badger finds plenty of food to satisfy his fierce hunger. His main prey are paint blotches who's indigestible pigment accumulate in the Long Tailed Honey Badger's fur and thus significantly contribute to its beautiful and varied fur colouring. This individual seems to favour blue and green paint blotches which have caused it's fur to tun a warm teal.

TS - Brown on Blue v.2.0

Brown on Blue v.2.0 - Aquarelle
One of my friends who takes a look at the pictures here encouraged me to think a bit further on the Brown and Blue theme of an earlier sketch and turn it into something more than just a nice to look at sketch. Her recommendation was:
How can you take the blue and brown squares further? Maybe fellow German- Paul Klee, a favorite of mine!!, and his more cubistic/ abstract watercolors from Tunisia could be inspiration! I love these pieces!!
While I have to admit that I have not yet looked further into any of her recommendations, though they are all familiar to me, I will certainly do this in the near future. Maybe even this weekend as I hope to get a bit of free time in.
My main interest in the Brown on Blue Theme is just the mix of colours -which is not properly displayed on the screen and in my images-  which works incredibly well together. I also like anything that I plan out with a ruler and a sharp pencil* -the squares were mapped out that way. Anything technical or with a technical feel to it is fun to draw/paint and tickles my fancy.

*Except pictures like the Zen Garten where the lack of a ruler makes it look more alive.

Thursday 14 August 2014

Tägliche Skizze - Two Hands

Hand 1 - Marker, Pencil, Colour Pencil
I thought that it would be a good idea to retrace the rough, block outline of the initial hand sketch with a marker so that it would shine through the drawing later on. Obviously I should have chosen a light grey or very fine marker rather than this fat and intense black marker which made it very hard to actually produce any proper shape of the hand. I find the end result a bit out of proportion and with a boring and too angular appeal.

On the up side it makes this picture look a bit like something I could find in a drawing by Otto Dix.
Another good thing, even though I'm not super excited about the picture is that I got to sit down after dinner for a bit and just relax, listen to some music and do something that, while requiring attention and thought, doesn't feel exhausting but relaxing after a long day at work.

Below is a sketch from earlier last year of a hand in more or less the same pose. I like it better as it looks like a nice and strong hand that could actually belong to a human. I was flipping through my sketch book, which I had started some time last year with the same idea in mind as this blog is serving, to find some inspiration for what to draw today. This is how I ended up on the hand theme.
Hand 2 - Pencil, Colour Pencil

Wednesday 13 August 2014

Tägliche Skizze - Triceratops or 'The Perks of being a Teacher with a White Board'

Triceratops or 'The Perks of being a Teacher with a White Board' - White Board Marker
As I said yesterday, I am back at work and so I used a little time after work to get creative on the White Board.

Tuesday 12 August 2014

Tägliche Skizze - Lined Paper

Lined Paper - Ballpoint Pen, different colours
Nothing exciting, had to be back at work again today and got myself wrapped up way to much there. Wasn't all work though, some of it was just chatting and catching up which was absolutely worth coming home later for.

Monday 11 August 2014

Saturday 9 August 2014

Tägliche Skizze - Zen Garten

Zen Garten - Aquarelle and Ink
After yesterday was such a sad excuse of a nice sketch I felt much more interested in taking up the pencil again today. And I think the results are much more pleasing, to me at least.

Below is the sketch which I made after having put the aquarelle on the paper and when trying to decide what to make with the two diagonal lines. I almost like the sketch better, just in terms of it's proportions and the more sketch like character. I also did not use a ruler for the sketch which makes it look more natural and organic, in the actual picture I used a ruler to establish general lines and perspective with a pencil before retracing some of them with the dip pen.

Let me know what you think in the comments - Rulers rule! or No more rulers please!
Zen Garten Sketch - H3 Pencil
I also noticed, once again, that I need to use a scanner, just snapping a picture with a camera is not producing the best results. Once I am back at work I can use the scanner there and hopefully provide better quality images.

Friday 8 August 2014

Tägliche Skizze - Bärtiger Mann mit Locken

Bärtiger Mann mit Locken - Pencil and Colour Pencil
This was supposed to be another Circle Training but then I didn't feel like drawing against the clock. To be honest, I didn't quite feel like drawing at all, some days are just like that. I'm glad I did get myself up to draw anyways, it wasn't long and it isn't super pretty either but I'm somehow still quite pleased with the effect, it's a fun little doodle.

PS.: Oh, before I forget, Bärtiger Mann means bearded man and mit Locken means with curly hair

Thursday 7 August 2014

Tägliche Skizze - Artery and Vein

Artery and Vein - Aquarelle and Marker
About this picture:
Just like yesterdays picture I actually created the colour bit on the paper without any specific idea for what to incorporate it into later. After the aquarelle had dried I turned the paper in my hands a couple of times and had the ideas for the finished products you see now.

Wednesday 6 August 2014

Tägliche Skizze - Red and Blue Chair

Red and Blue - Aquarelle, Pencil and Marker
This sketch/experiment was inspired by two things. Yesterday I saw these pictures by Sanjeev Joshi which I think are absolutely amazing and I wanted to steal (I mean also try out) the mixing of aquarelle and black lines. Secondly the chair I stylised is the iconic Red and Blue by Gerrit Rietveld, you can see a picture of it here.

Sunday 3 August 2014

Tägliche Skizze - Salad Spirit

Salad Spirit - Lemon juice, thinly sliced beets and olive oil. Add salt and pepper to taste.
The spirit was to elusive for me to capture him and ban him onto a sheet of paper. Only memories of him will remain after the dishwasher has exorcised every trace of his presence in our earthly sphere.