Monday 22 September 2014

TS - Self Portrait

Self Portrait - Pencil, Colour Pencil
I don't quite know what it is about this picture but I'm not super impressed with the final product. On the up side, the process of getting there was very enjoyable. Listening to some music while drawing raw, rough lines on the paper, mixing the colours, drawing over them again and again and finally arriving at the end product. I just enjoy the action of putting rough, raw lines on paper. Something about it is imensely satisfying.
I think the neck is to slender, the forehead needs to be a bit shorter, the bottom part of the head a bit longer - Ergo; the eyes were set at the wrong level by me. You always get into trouble when drawing from your mind and the ideal of what the object/person you're drawing should look like. The proper way would be to really looking at what you see in front of you; and then try to work on replicating the proportions and features in a way that the original can be seen in the picture. I most often work from my mind and not by truly looking. Maybe that needs to be a skill I'll focus some attention to in the near future...

Goal: Let's do some research one ways to train true observations.

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