Thursday 4 September 2014

TS - Brown on Blue v.7.0

Brown on Blue v.7.0 - Aquarelle, Ink Pen

Another one on the Brown on Blue Theme, this time not really planned.
I have this habit of keeping everything I can - a habit that makes my wive call me a pack rat for - and so I keep most of the sheets that I try colours on and clean paint brushes on. I like to go through the paint blotches and see what kinds of things I can make with it. If you look closely you can see that this sheet already prompted me to create the Long Tailed Honey Badger. This time I just drew a 10 x 10 cm square and started drawing around the paint blotches with a blue ink pen.

Brown on Blue v.7.0 (in the making) - Aquarelle, Ink Pen

On a different note, but related to the process of making this picture. When I sat down this night to draw and doodle around a bit again I realized that this time of the day is always one of my favourite times. I leave all my work behind - whether it's done or not - and do something I truly enjoy and that I find extremely relaxing.

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