Wednesday 17 September 2014

TS - Hatching Seahorse (or Meeting Notes v.3.0)

Hatching Seahorse (or Meeting Notes v.3.0) - Ballpoint Pen
Another product from a meeting. Usually I am of the opinion to rather not have meetings when ever possible. They often are not the best use of anybodies time. However today we had chocolates and one of the chocolates got me drawing.

As a biologist I know that seahorses do not hatch in the traditional way; the eggs are not released into the environment as they would be with most marine animals that lay eggs. In seahorses the eggs are carried by the male seahorse and once the seahorses have hatched they are expelled from the male seahorses pouch by muscle contractions.
But that is only the real -less delicious- variety of seahorses. Chocolate seahorses obviously hatch from their plastic wrapper eggs and love to live right in my belly...

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