Tuesday 23 September 2014

TS - Beauty Pageant

Beauty Pageant v.1.0 - B6 Pencil, Colour Pencil
This is only a quick sketch of an idea that popped up in my head after watching the fantastic John Oliver today. The standards we (as a society) set for women are ridiculous, not healthy for anybody and completely unrealistic for the majority of women to achieve.
One way to chip away a little bit on this shitty situation (or at least turn it into something humorous that nobody will be able to take serious any more) would be to force the judges to also wear swim suits; answer the same ridiculous questions; and to conform to the same ludicrous regulations should they with to become a judge.

With the sketch above I am not yet sure on any of the details. I think there is many nuances and subtleties in the words and the composition of the picture to be worked out. Below you can see another idea for the composition as well as some alternative texts.

Beauty Pageant Initial Sketch - Pencil

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