Monday 29 September 2014

BP - Abstract No.1

Abstract No.1 - Aquarelle, Colour Pencil, Pencil
I'm not entirely sure yet what this will eventually become or what I want it to become. The only thing I know at the moment is that it is still a work in progress and not quite done yet. We'll see where it will go.

TS - Mountain Meeting Notes v.4.0

Mountain Meeting Notes v.4.0 - Ballpoint Pen

Sunday 28 September 2014

TS - Fall Roses

Fall Roses - Aquarelle
It is official, fall is here where I live. Or was it just that I forgot to water the little rose bush we got as a present from some recent guests... We'll You'll never know.

Tuesday 23 September 2014

TS - Beauty Pageant

Beauty Pageant v.1.0 - B6 Pencil, Colour Pencil
This is only a quick sketch of an idea that popped up in my head after watching the fantastic John Oliver today. The standards we (as a society) set for women are ridiculous, not healthy for anybody and completely unrealistic for the majority of women to achieve.
One way to chip away a little bit on this shitty situation (or at least turn it into something humorous that nobody will be able to take serious any more) would be to force the judges to also wear swim suits; answer the same ridiculous questions; and to conform to the same ludicrous regulations should they with to become a judge.

Monday 22 September 2014

TS - Self Portrait

Self Portrait - Pencil, Colour Pencil
I don't quite know what it is about this picture but I'm not super impressed with the final product. On the up side, the process of getting there was very enjoyable. Listening to some music while drawing raw, rough lines on the paper, mixing the colours, drawing over them again and again and finally arriving at the end product. I just enjoy the action of putting rough, raw lines on paper. Something about it is imensely satisfying.
I think the neck is to slender, the forehead needs to be a bit shorter, the bottom part of the head a bit longer - Ergo; the eyes were set at the wrong level by me. You always get into trouble when drawing from your mind and the ideal of what the object/person you're drawing should look like. The proper way would be to really looking at what you see in front of you; and then try to work on replicating the proportions and features in a way that the original can be seen in the picture. I most often work from my mind and not by truly looking. Maybe that needs to be a skill I'll focus some attention to in the near future...

Goal: Let's do some research one ways to train true observations.

Sunday 21 September 2014

TS - Digital Circle Training v.2.0

Digital Circle Training v.2.0 - Made with Sketches on the iPad
It appears that I am not that creative on the weekend. Or at least not when it comes to creating something that would count as a sketch or drawing. I think I just live out my creativity in the kitchen on weekends.
What ever the reason, the good news is that it will be Monday again tomorrow. So maybe there will be something a bit more inspiring up here again.

Saturday 20 September 2014

TS - Zebra Sketch

Zebra - Ink Pen
I'm not sore about this one; it's pretty dull in my mind. I had no idea what to draw and just started making some lines on paper, then I decided to crosshatch (a new word I just learned) the spaces in between some of the lines. I enjoy doing that kind of thing but sometimes I also get an end result that is visually pleasing. Not today though.

Thursday 18 September 2014

Wednesday 17 September 2014

TS - Hatching Seahorse (or Meeting Notes v.3.0)

Hatching Seahorse (or Meeting Notes v.3.0) - Ballpoint Pen
Another product from a meeting. Usually I am of the opinion to rather not have meetings when ever possible. They often are not the best use of anybodies time. However today we had chocolates and one of the chocolates got me drawing.

As a biologist I know that seahorses do not hatch in the traditional way; the eggs are not released into the environment as they would be with most marine animals that lay eggs. In seahorses the eggs are carried by the male seahorse and once the seahorses have hatched they are expelled from the male seahorses pouch by muscle contractions.
But that is only the real -less delicious- variety of seahorses. Chocolate seahorses obviously hatch from their plastic wrapper eggs and love to live right in my belly...

Tuesday 16 September 2014

BP - A Table

A Table - B3 Pencil, Colour Pencil
It was such a great idea to buy a sketchbook and just pre label all (well many) of the pages with different every day objects. This way I can always flip through it, stop at a random page, and never feel like I'm stuck for ideas.

I also just love notebooks; don't quite know what it is about it, but the idea makes me feel good inside.

TS - A Tie

A Tie - B3 Pencil, Colour Pencil
I've always admired sketches that show the essence of an object with very few lines, drawn with varying pressure and thickness. Seemingly just quickly put on the paper. The thing that you never really see as the observer is the time and practice that needs to go into this, obviously it's hard to recreate when you try it yourself but ultimately I believe that much of it just comes down to having created different shapes, over and over and over again.

This image, unfortunately is a bit bad in it's quality as it is already dark here again; I really should consider spending a little money in a scanner. The colours in the original are much more vivid.

PS.: If you look closely you can see yesterdays picture shine through the page, it was created on the sheet before.

Monday 15 September 2014

BP - Face

Face in the process - B3 Pencil, Colour Pencil
A quick sketch just out of my mind, nobody in particular.

Below you can see the effect that an eraser can have on a sketch with a soft pencil.

TS - A Feather

A Feather - Pencil, Colour Pencil
Just a simple sketch in my sketchbook.

Sunday 14 September 2014

TS - Highlighter

Highlighter - Highlighter, Pencil
Nothing fancy tonight but something to keep the momentum going.

Saturday 13 September 2014

BP - Goldener Schnitt v.2.0

Goldener Schnitt v.2.0 - Ink Pen
A second version of this picture. I like this one better; found the colour on the previous one not as crisp as I had wished for.

TS - Goldener Schnitt

Goldener Schnitt - Pencil, Aquarelle
I had the idea to this during a nice break at a cafe when I absentmindedly folded the little sachet that the sugar (brown sugar*) came in (see below).

Friday 12 September 2014

TS - Leaf Miners

Raupenfraß - Pencil
It just reminds me of the tracks that leaf miners leave behind when eating bits of a leaf.

Wednesday 10 September 2014

BP - Muster Studie

Muster Studie - Ink
Still not completely finished but I wanted to show you the progress from yesterday and the last three boxes. I couldn't erase all the pencil lines yet as the ink needs to dry for quite some time. I've ruined (or should we say: "had happy accidents." as Bob Ross would?) too many sketches by trying to erase the pencil marks before the ink was completely dried and it smudged in a unforeseen way.

TS - Meeting Notes v.2.0

Meeting Notes v.2.0 - Pencil, Marker, Ballpoint Pen, White Out
Doodling while listening actually helps me to stay focused on what is being said, strange as it seems to me.

Tuesday 9 September 2014

TS - Muster Studie

Muster Studie - Ink, Pencil
This is similar to the circle training idea, only this time I get to fill the boxes with different patterns (Muster in German). This time I didn't time myself because I find drawing patterns - the simple act of moving a pencil or in this case quill (is that what the steel tips of a fountain pen and the likes are called?) over paper - highly relaxing.

Saturday 6 September 2014

Tuesday 2 September 2014

TS - Ruler

Ruler (or Metric is Awesome)- Pencil and Ink Marker
I am sorry to say (actually I am not sorry at all) but the Metric System is way more precise, logical and useful than the Imperial System. Even the ruler doesn't really want the inches on there... I'm just going to leave it at that.

Monday 1 September 2014