Saturday 15 August 2015

TS - Hand v.1.0 and v.2.0

Hand v.1.0 and v.2.0 - Colour Pencils on Cardboard
There are two things I like about this picture.
First, we went to IKEA to get some furniture and inside the box there was some very thick corrugated cardboard as packing material. The cardboard came in nice rectangles and I've always liked drawing on something that's not quite white and allows you to add highlights with white. I quite love the highlights, it adds a new dimension to sketching.
Secondly, this picture is a perfect example of having to fail in your work and be OK with it. v.1.0 was drawn first and is quite hideous, the proportions are out of whack and the outlines on the fingers are just not where they need to be. After having failed like this I just picked up the pencil again and started anew in v.2.0. The proportions are much better this time around and the fingers are much more clearly outlined. All in all much better.

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