Sunday 17 May 2015

TS - Testskizze

Testskizze - Pencil, Colour Pencil
I had originally wanted to draw something completely different that I was thinking about last night just before falling asleep.
But then I was a bit lazy while lying on the couch and I thought that today I should maybe just do something on the iPad (the great advantage was that it was in reach and didn't require me to get up). 
While scrolling through my old sketches in the ipad I found one that looked similar to the one I worked on today, only it was a digital version and the proportions weren't completely right (see below). I kind of liked the picture and wanted to make it so that the side length of each hexagon is a multiple of the difference between the radius of the individual hexagons. That way the lines from the triangles would match up nicely with the hexagons. As the name suggests it's only a test sketch but I'll get back to it soon.
Inspiration to Testskizze - Made with Adobe Line

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