Friday 1 May 2015

TS - Oval Pearls

Oval Perls - Pencil, Colour Pencil, Ink Pen
It is still not finished but it is getting somewhere. I decided to turn it 90° to the right, added a background, reworked the colours a bit and put it on 5 mm grid paper. I now think the ovals look a bit like pearls on two strings (hence the change in the title). We'll have to see what happens tomorrow. 

This picture was begun without any clear idea or plan, just the diamond shapes in the ovals were something I wanted to use. I used diamonds inside of ovals about 10 years ago in a large picture on which I drew for weeks, leaving it and then coming back to it over and over again. Back then I used colour very scarcely* and was fascinated by smudged, soft pencils. I think I mostly used pencil, some light greys and some sea green that is leaning to a dark turquoise. I absolutely loved, and still do, the picture. Unfortunately it is stored away somewhere and I can't take a picture of it right now. Maybe when I get back to Germany I can add a picture?

*Colour is something that I am slowly starting to discover more and more.

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