Tuesday 26 May 2015

TS - In Progress

In Progress - Pencil, Aquarelle
It's no where near to being finished but it needed to dry off before I can continue working on it.

Sunday 24 May 2015

TS - Ohne Titel

Ohne Titel - Pencil, Colour Pencil, Aquarelle, Ink
It's not named yet but I'm quite liking how it looks so far. Not sure whether or not I'll change anything later, for now I'll just let it sit around for a couple of days and come back to it occasionally. Maybe I'll feel the urge to make some additions, maybe not.

Saturday 23 May 2015

TS - Colour Spiral

Colour Spiral - Made with some programming app for kids
I was fiddling around with an app I found for the iPad and "programmed" it to make this colour spiral. I know would like to actually know more about programming in a more versatile language so I could make more than this simple spiral. It's probably going to be another one of those ideas for when I have some more time left. Who knows when that will be though?

Thursday 21 May 2015

Wednesday 20 May 2015

TS - Circles II and III

Circles III - Pencil, Colour Pencil
Circles II - Pencil, Colour Pencil

I wasn't quite sure what to make tonight but I now have an idea where I want to go with the circles. It's just that I'm too tired tonight to continue on with it, hence the preliminary sketches tonight and hopefully something more refined tomorrow.

Sunday 17 May 2015

BP - Formen

Formen - Pencil, Colour Pencil
I build on my earlier sketch and quite like the product.

TS - Testskizze

Testskizze - Pencil, Colour Pencil
I had originally wanted to draw something completely different that I was thinking about last night just before falling asleep.

TS - Fabric of the Sky

Fabric of the Sky - Pencil, Ink Pen, Aquarelle, Colour Pencil
I finished this one yesterday but somehow just forgot to upload it. I didn't add much, only a couple of patterns in the corners of the hexagons.

Tuesday 12 May 2015

TS - Fabric of the Sky - Unfinished

Fabric of the Sky - Unfinished - Pencil, Ink Pen, Aquarelle
Another hexagon based picture constructed solely with a straight edge and a compass. It is not quite finished but the aquarelle colours need to dry before I can continue working on this.

Monday 11 May 2015

TS - Hexagons v.2.0

Hexagons v.2.0 - Added to with Tayasui Sketch
I know it's been for ever since I've properly posted here. In fact this picture has been made last Wednesday already and I just now get to upload it. Needles to say, I'm working a lot right now but am hoping that I'll get into drawing again regularly starting this week.

About this sketch. It's build on Hexagons from last week. I used the picture on my ipad and just added some patterns and a few details like the writing to it. I quite like this mix even though it would probably look even nicer if I had done it with spray paint and patterned stencils.

Sunday 3 May 2015

TS - Hexagons

Hexagons - Pencil, Ink Pen, Aquarelle, Compass, Straight Edge
The colours are not showing well in this image but I think it's still noticeable that the organge-ocre is much more vibrant than the light teal. Originally I had meant for both of the colours to be quite light and washed out, leaving blotches and "water stains" form the colouring in process. I might just redo this picture another day again.
Other than that I quite like it though.

Saturday 2 May 2015

TS - Oval Pearls v.2.2

Oval Pearls v.2.2 - Pencil, Colour Pencil, Ink Pen, Aquarelle
Just a little touch up with some aquarelle colours.

Friday 1 May 2015

TS - Oval Pearls

Oval Perls - Pencil, Colour Pencil, Ink Pen
It is still not finished but it is getting somewhere. I decided to turn it 90° to the right, added a background, reworked the colours a bit and put it on 5 mm grid paper. I now think the ovals look a bit like pearls on two strings (hence the change in the title). We'll have to see what happens tomorrow. 

This picture was begun without any clear idea or plan, just the diamond shapes in the ovals were something I wanted to use. I used diamonds inside of ovals about 10 years ago in a large picture on which I drew for weeks, leaving it and then coming back to it over and over again. Back then I used colour very scarcely* and was fascinated by smudged, soft pencils. I think I mostly used pencil, some light greys and some sea green that is leaning to a dark turquoise. I absolutely loved, and still do, the picture. Unfortunately it is stored away somewhere and I can't take a picture of it right now. Maybe when I get back to Germany I can add a picture?

*Colour is something that I am slowly starting to discover more and more.