Sunday 4 January 2015

TS - Folded Spiral

Folded Spiral v.2.1 - made with Adobe Line
I made this pattern by tracing the fold lines on a photograph of a folded paper. I tried another one of the techniques I learned on Paul Jacksons' webpage. The fold is called V-Pleats and after having folded the paper I played around with it, tried to glue it together into a toroid, which did not quite work. So I cut it all apart again and just draped it into an interesting shape.

After tracing the fold lines I also tried colouring the different triangles in (I used Tayasui Sketches for this). I'm not too convinced by it.

Folded Spiral v.1.0
Folded Spiral v.2.1 
Folded Spiral v.2.2

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