Tuesday 2 December 2014

TS - Friendly Shark

Friendly Shark - Pencil, Ink Pen, Aquarelle
This is a friendly shark. Most of them actually look quite friendly or at least a bit baffled, rather than fierce and aggressive.
This one came into being because I was looking at shark heads. I had set out to get some ideas for another animal-human mix, just like the Elefantenbulle.  Once I was looking at sharks I started what was meant to be a quick sketch, got carried away with tracing the lines in ink and eventually found myself listening to music and colouring it in with aquarelle colours. I can't say that I am disappointed with this unexpected turn but I still am interested in making a animal-human mix as well.
Oh! Just for the fun of it I thought I could add a quick snapshot of the sharks home. He/She (who knows?) lives happily in a notebook amongst some other stuff.
Shark Home - Space, Stuff

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