Wednesday 31 December 2014

TS - Café Sketches

Knitting & Drinking Coffee - Pencil
Starbucks - Pencil
I went out of the house today and chilled out in a café for some time today. The sketches aren't great but they aren't the worst either.

Tuesday 30 December 2014

TS - Bridgman's 30

Bridgman's 30.1 - made with Tayasui Sketches
Bridgman's 30.2 v.1.0 - made with Tayasui Sketches
Bridgman's 30.2 v.2.0 - made with Tayasui Sketches
3 more sketches made on the iPad.

Saturday 27 December 2014

TS - 7 x 7

7 x 7 - made with Tayasui Sketches
Somehow, when I get lazy, I always revert back to just doodling on the iPad.

Wednesday 24 December 2014

TS - Bridgman's Digital re-Draws

Bridgman's 23, digital - made with Adobe Line
I uploaded a couple of my earlier sketches (Bridgman's 23, 24 and 25) into Adobe Line on my iPad and just worked over them again to play around a bit with colours and different tools.

Bridgman's 24, digital - made with Adobe Line
Bridgman's 25, digital - made with Adobe Line

Saturday 20 December 2014

Holiday Break

I'm spending a good week back at home and will not promise that there will be a picture every day. I'll resume making daily sketches no later than the new year though.

Wednesday 17 December 2014

Die Drei Dickhäuter

I have a funny feeling that these three friends, die Drei Dickhäuter*, are going on some adventures soon.

TS - Rhino

Rhino v.1.2 - Ink Pen, Aquarelle
I think this will be the last one of a trio of pachyderms*. I'm starting to think that the three of them (Elefantenbulle, Tough Hippo and Rhino) could be characters of a story.

Tuesday 16 December 2014

NP - TinTin

No picture today. I somehow ate too much and am now stuck on the couch in a food coma. The fact that I just took out a whole lot of TinTin comics from the library also isn't helping in motivating me to get up. Because after all, What more could I want? My belly is full and I have more comics within arms reach than I could possibly read tonight.

Sunday 14 December 2014

TS - Bridgman's (various pages)

Bridgman's p.25 - Colour Pencil

Some practice sketches of the human body. Nothing special and in parts not too great either. Some parts are OK though.

Saturday 13 December 2014

TS - Man v.1.0-1.1

Man v.1.0 - Pencil 
Man v.1.1 - Ink Pen, Pencil, Colour Pencil
I'm not sure which one I like better, on paper I thought v.1.0 looks nicer (of course I can't go back now) but now on here the ink pen actually looks nicer. In the end it doesn't really matter much, this is still in progress, I was too lazy to get up to get more colour pencils and so this only has white, black and the brown beard going on at the moment. Maybe tomorrow will bring more colours?

Tuesday 9 December 2014

TS - Tremendously Terrific T-Rex

Tremendously Terrific T-Rex - Ink Marker
This Tremendously Terrific T-Rex brings Tantalizingly Tasty Tea. But to whom does he bring the tea I wonder?

Monday 8 December 2014

TS - Professional Dreamer

Professional Dreamer - Pencil, Colour Pencil, White Out
I just like the title, more so than anything in this picture really.

Friday 5 December 2014

TS - Octopus

Octopus - Ink Pen
It'll probably get some colouring tomorrow. But for tonight I'm calling it a night. It's been a long week, is getting late(ish) and the whisky has made me tired.

Wednesday 3 December 2014

BP - Human Form

Human Form - Ballpoint Pen
Another sketch from the same meeting today.

TS - Seagull

Seagull - Ballpoint Pen
Some sketches from a meeting today.

Note: I just noticed that the seagull on the bottom has completely wonky eyes. They are not on the same level at all. He must have flown into a window recently...

Tuesday 2 December 2014

TS - Friendly Shark

Friendly Shark - Pencil, Ink Pen, Aquarelle
This is a friendly shark. Most of them actually look quite friendly or at least a bit baffled, rather than fierce and aggressive.
This one came into being because I was looking at shark heads. I had set out to get some ideas for another animal-human mix, just like the Elefantenbulle.  Once I was looking at sharks I started what was meant to be a quick sketch, got carried away with tracing the lines in ink and eventually found myself listening to music and colouring it in with aquarelle colours. I can't say that I am disappointed with this unexpected turn but I still am interested in making a animal-human mix as well.

Monday 1 December 2014

TS - Cluj Sketches

Cluj Sketches - Ink Pen
Another sketch from the weekend. Cluj is a beautiful city that we had planned to explore in detail. However the November weather didn't seem to like our plans and we got totally rained in. So we decided to do the only sensible thing in that situation --eat and drink our way through various establishments. Food and drink are fantastic in Cluj, especially the coffee from one of the world best baristas, and the time talking with friends and relaxing was wonderful. 

BP - Napkin

Napkin - pencil
Another sketch from the weekend. Same restaurant, same good company.

TS - Place Mat

Place Mat - Pencil
This is one of the sketches from the weekend that I couldn't upload back then.
It was sketched on the place mat in a restaurant while I was talking with friends, waiting for our food.