Saturday 8 November 2014

TS - Bottles 1-3

Bottle 1 - Wine Bottle, Glass Cutter, Hot Water, Sand Paper
Quite a few years ago I started playing around with a glass cutter and old wine bottles to make vases and drinking glasses. Back then I couldn't quite figure out how to make a really nice and straight line around the bottle (I rather should say I didn't want to pay for a fancy glass cutter that could do that kind of thing) and so my first attempts were not ideal around the edges.
I recently started playing around with this again and managed to "build" a device out of clamps and the glass cutter that allows me to make a nice straight cut. After that it was just a matter of figuring out how to make the glass break. I messed up 3 bottles but then I found a good way for making a nice clear cut that can easily be sanded.
  1. Scratch a straight line around the bottle with a glass cutter.
  2. Heat the scratch with boiling water.
  3. Cool the scratch under running cold tap water.
  4. Inspect for a crack forming.
  5. Repeat until the crack goes all around the bottle.
  6. Slightly tap with a hard object to separate the top from the bottom..
  7. Sand the crack with sandpaper.
And two more bottles I made tonight:
Bottle 2 - Wine Bottle, Glass Cutter, Hot Water, Sand Paper
Bottle 3 - Wine Bottle, Glass Cutter, Hot Water, Sand Paper
PS.: I am aware that this is not really a scratch, it's not even really a creative act but it is a handy thing and still gave me much pleasure to engage in.

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