Saturday 29 November 2014

NP - Please Hold

I'm just traveling and don't have a way of taking pictures of my sketches. However I did spend considerable time in cafe's and restaurants yesterday and today and have been drawing inbetween meals, drinks and conversations. I'll upload all the sketches on Monday.

Tuesday 25 November 2014

TS - Cloud Circles

Cloud Circles - Ink Pen
It is not finished but eventually this will become a whole cloud. Not sure how I like the circles at the moment, they could be more uniform if you asked me.

Monday 24 November 2014

TS - Bridgman's p.18, 20

Bridgman's p. 18, 20 - B3 Pencil
Another two sketches from Bridgman's. The second one (p. 20) needs a bit of stretching (maybe?) in the bend torso?

Sunday 23 November 2014

TS - Bridgman's p.14

Bridgman's p.14 - B3 Pencil
I have this amazing book for drawing people. It's called: Bridgman's Life Drawing by George B. Bridgman. I have had it for a long time and the version I have was actually printed in 1971, so it's got quite a few years on it. However the sketches in it are amazing and teach you a lot about anatomy of the human body, balance and expression.
I wanted to draw more people again and decided that maybe I'll work my way through the book, practicing the different things talked about in the book. This sketch refers to a sketch found on page 14.

Thursday 20 November 2014

TS - Unnamed

Unnamed - Ink Pen
Just a quick sketch. I was doodling around in a meeting the other day and produced something similar.
I like about this one that it could be just arrows interlocking or it could be with a perspective and in 3D.

Wednesday 19 November 2014

Tuesday 18 November 2014

BP - Dancer

Dancer - Aquarelle blotch, Ink Pen
A very quick sketch made out of a aquarelle blotch I made yesterday.

TS - Public House v.1.1

Public House v.1.1 - Ink Pen, Aquarelle
Yesterdays picture got a bit of an update with some details added to it.

PS.: the lighting is a bit off in the image and everything is shifted a bit more into the yellow as it originally is. Looks nice but is not a true representation of what I have here on paper.

Monday 17 November 2014

TS - Public House

Public House - Ink Pen, Aquarelle
The idea for this came from the book 1984 by George Orwell which I am rereading at the time. Winston Smith wanders aimlessly around London and comes to a beer house in one of the Proles districts. This is how I imagine it. Tomorrow, once the aquarelle has properly dried I might add some more ink to it to add to the detail. Somehow when I was thinking of the beer house I had to think of a public house (nothing but a pub) that I used to pass by when I lived in the UK. The entrance is taken from that pub.

Sunday 16 November 2014


CCCP - Coffee, Aquarelle, Pencil, Ink Pen
The red was not the best idea. It massively takes away from the coffee stain which was supposed to be the central element in this picture. I think a white background with the coffee stain in the middle and then some outlines and the star and hammer in yellow would have served the purpose of highlighting the nice shape of the coffee stain more.
Anyways. I've learned for next time.

Saturday 15 November 2014

TS - Elefantenbulle v.1.1

Elefantenbulle v.1.1.2 - Ink Pen, Aquarelle (not dried yet), Pencil
A colourful, new version of this picture. He's a bit to slender around the waist and his legs but otherwise I'm quite pleased with him.
Below you can see the not yet coloured version

Friday 14 November 2014

BP - Barcode

Barcode - Marker, Aquarelle
To make up for the fact that there was no picture yesterday, I'm uploading two pictures today. Both aren't anything special but rather quick sketches.
This also hasn't completely dried yet but I got tired of waiting. Maybe I'll update the picture tomorrow.

TS - Lamp

Lamp - Marker, Aquarelle
Nothing special, just what I could see from the table I was sitting at.

Oh and a fun fact: This is the 100th post on here.

Thursday 13 November 2014

No Picture Today

I'm super lazy hand haven't gotten out of a deep deep internet hole today. There will be a picture again tomorrow.

Wednesday 12 November 2014

BP - Wine Glass

Wine Glass - Marker, Ballpoint Pen, Aquarelle
The cheap ballpoint pen was red and has completely bled into the wet aquarelle colour. I'm not sure if it actually adds some colour to the whole picture or if it's just a gimmick. The black marker however does look nice when it gets a little bit wet and mixes with the aquarelle.

BP - Winding Circles

Winding Circles - Ballpoint Pen, Marker, Aquarelle
The real picture I made today, just a messy mix of cheap ballpoint pens, markers and aquarelle colour to make it all bleed all over the place. Once it is dried you get a nice mix of colour from the ballpoint pen and markers having separated their different pigments.

TS - Taser v.1.1

Taser v.1.1 - Marker, Battery, Battery Package
I found two different batteries that I think fit better into this "picture".

I made some other sketches today but they are still drying and I can't move them to take a picture of them. They'll be coming tomorrow afternoon.

Saturday 8 November 2014

TS - Bottles 1-3

Bottle 1 - Wine Bottle, Glass Cutter, Hot Water, Sand Paper
Quite a few years ago I started playing around with a glass cutter and old wine bottles to make vases and drinking glasses. Back then I couldn't quite figure out how to make a really nice and straight line around the bottle (I rather should say I didn't want to pay for a fancy glass cutter that could do that kind of thing) and so my first attempts were not ideal around the edges.

Wednesday 5 November 2014

TS - Balancing Forces v.2.0

Balancing Forces v.2.0 - Ink Pen, Ballpoint Pen, Math
I believe that the equation below is corre.... Ah, damit. I just noticed a mistake. Instead of the very right term being only | F| ( | | meaning absolute value) it needs to be | 12F| . My mistake.
Otherwise I am quite pleased with it. Next time I'm going to go a bit more onto the artistic side again and add area to the equation to represent the force in the vectors.

PS.: I like mixing art and science/math.

Tuesday 4 November 2014

TS - Forces

Forces - Ink Marker, Ballpoint Pen
This is not called balancing forces as the black ones definitely more than cancel out the red one. Instead of using a digital shape to trace I actually made two cutout shapes that I traces. You can see that the angle is not exactly the same on all the arrows and that I slipped once or twice.
This picture gave me the idea to move the whole thing back into the balancing forces and to adding force vectors into a 2 or 3D coordinate system. It'll come tomorrow or in the next few days.

TS - Polygons

Polygons - Made with Adobe Line
This was made yesterday... I swear!


I've done it again. I merely stop uploading pictures here for one or two days because I made myself believe that I am too busy with work and before I know it it's been a week. I am sorry for this.

My goal therefore should be: If I cannot draw on a given day (which shouldn't happen in the first place) I need to still post here and set a specific date for when the next picture will come. This should keep me on track and will allow you not to get disappointed with not finding new sketches.
