Monday 13 October 2014

TS - Shattered Glass v.1.4

Shattered Glass v.1.4 - Aquarelle, Ink
Instead of colour pencil this one was made with aquarelle colours and an outline of ink. I must say the previous version, especially this one, have spoken to me more. In v.1.4 the colours are a bit too strong and I made the outlines much to strong. As a result all looks a bit to churchy (if that is a description that makes sense to people).
I think black was a poor choice for the outlines and a dark grey would have been better suited. I also used a tip that was too wide, again a much narrower one would have produced a better result in my opinion. On top of those two bad choices I also was a bit antsy and didn't want to wait until the aquarelle colours and paper had properly dried up. I could have made finer lines but instead everything bled a bit into the surrounding.

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