Monday 27 October 2014

Saturday 25 October 2014

TS - Murmuration

Murmuration - Ink
You might say it is a murmuration of Starlings, but then you can also see another animal in it, especially with some imagination. Look at the picture after the jump to see what other animal might be in there as well...

PS.: The original photograph which I used as an inspiration was taken by Paolo Patrizi and can be found on his blog here.

Friday 24 October 2014

TS - Fold v.4.0

Fold v.4.0 - Pencil, Colour Pencil, Ink
A bit simpler and less cluttered then v.2.0 but with some of the perspective from v.3.0.

Thursday 23 October 2014

Wednesday 22 October 2014

TS - Death on a Horse

Death on a Horse - H2 Pencil
It's not quite finished yet but I already like this sketch for a playing card. I'm not even sure if I want to add to it out of fear that it might not look as nice any more afterwards. Something about sketches has always intrigued me. I'm especially happy with the horse head and it's left foot. I've never drawn a horse before.
When drawing the skeleton I noticed that my years as a teenager, being bored/uninterested in school, doodling skeletons and skulls in my notebooks has left a trace in me. It was remarkably easy to get the general shape down. The ironic thing is that I'm not entirely sure if the skeleton is the most skilfully drawn part...

BP - Beach

Beach - Aquarelle
Another practice picture from yesterday. The image is a bit distorted because I couldn't get my camera straight above the picture without leaving a shadow on the picture.

BP - More Clouds v.2.0

More Clouds - Ink Marker, Aquarelle
Just a quick practice from yesterday with aquarelle. They are a bit over stylised and I think some more lines could have added more volume to them. The colours however are quite nice and their patchiness adds to the perception of more clouds being in the distance.

Tuesday 21 October 2014

TS - Fold v.3.0

Fold v3.0 - Aquarelle, Ink Pen
I'm not sure yet whether or not I'm done with this one. Right now the aquarelle paints are still drying and so my hands are tied for continuing on it. But maybe later or tomorrow I'll be getting back to it.

Monday 20 October 2014

BP - Fold v.2.0

Fold v.2.0 - Pencil, Colour Pencil, Marker
Now that this is done I am not sure what to think of it. I like the coloured column in the middle. I like the arrows that overlap sometimes and I like the general ratio of dark to light areas. However I am now not sure if I still like the the rounded areas left and right of the column...

TS - Fold

Fold - Pencil, Colour Pencil
A simple sketch after a folded paper strip. I might come back to it later and see if I want to simplify/change it a bit.

Tuesday 14 October 2014

TS - Alternating Blocks

Alternating Blocks - Pencil, Colour Pencil, Hairspray
I thoroughly enjoy drawing/sketching pictures like this. It has a technical element to it and I like when you can see the remainder of this underlying, precise, skeleton that was drawn first. Later I can add rough colours with rough lines to it, go over it and emphasise areas I want to be emphasised.
And last but not least I find that one of my favourite colours always fits into pictures like this. Night Green which you can see in the middle column in the first row. I don't know what it is about this colour but it can use it in almost every picture and still find it stupendous (which also is a stupendous word that should be used more often).

Monday 13 October 2014

TS - Shattered Glass v.1.4

Shattered Glass v.1.4 - Aquarelle, Ink
Instead of colour pencil this one was made with aquarelle colours and an outline of ink. I must say the previous version, especially this one, have spoken to me more. In v.1.4 the colours are a bit too strong and I made the outlines much to strong. As a result all looks a bit to churchy (if that is a description that makes sense to people).
I think black was a poor choice for the outlines and a dark grey would have been better suited. I also used a tip that was too wide, again a much narrower one would have produced a better result in my opinion. On top of those two bad choices I also was a bit antsy and didn't want to wait until the aquarelle colours and paper had properly dried up. I could have made finer lines but instead everything bled a bit into the surrounding.

Friday 10 October 2014

TS - Shattered Glass

Shattered Glass - Pencil, Colour Pencil
I got the idea for this from a picture I saw online a while ago. So far I've only played around with this idea in pencil and these are only some sketches. But ultimately I think I might make some versions of this in aquarelle as well. At least if the colours come out bright enough.

PS.: the colours on the top one are a bit brighter than in reality. The light is gone here already again and I might have played around a tiny bit with the image options after taking the picture to achieve the same vividness as the picture had earlier on today. It worked well for the bottom left one but the top one is a bit over saturated now.

Thursday 9 October 2014

TS - A Car

A Car - Pencil, Ink Marker, Marker
A quick and very stylised sketch of a car. I had no great ideas and not much time to spare but wanted to make sure to do some drawing. So once again my trusty skechbook with pre-decided items to draw came in handy.

Tuesday 7 October 2014

TS - A Pattern

A Pattern - Ink
No Ideas Today ... Oh, wait. A word pattern emerged.

Interesting questions to consider:
  • How often did my Ink Pen run out of Ink?
  • What is the average number of letters I could write with dipping my pen in the ink once?
  • What letters took up more ink than others? Why?
  • What pattern becomes apparent in the frequency of my posts?

Sunday 5 October 2014

BP - Brown on Blue v.9.0

Brown on Blue v.9.0 - Aquarelle, Ink
I originally set out to work on this today. The aquarelle spots were made a couple of days ago with no specific idea in mind. All I knew was that it might become part of the Brown on Blue series. But I mainly just wanted to come back to it another time and see what will happen with it.
Well, I came back to it today, first drawing the boxes and then starting with the dot pattern. I got a bit bored with making more dots and also didn't love the result it was having on the picture as a whole. We'll see if I come back to it some time, complete it, change it or simply forget about it.

TS - The River

The River - Ink
A little more playing around with the new ink and with patterns.
While sketching I came to a couple of realisations today.

  1. I love drawing anything that I can put a box/frame/lines* around.
  2. I love drawing pictures that have a kind of fissure going through them.
  3. Drawing with ink has two major advantages:
    1. Ink generally has an awesome smell to it, especially black in. It is hard to describe but I find it very soothing.
    2. The sound the drawing pen makes on the paper -especially when a paper with structure- is wonderful to listen to.

*What ever you want to call it.


INK - Ink
This picture was done yesterday. I went to the art store and bought some new drawing ink. I guess I got so excited about drawing with the ink and was so pleased with the vivid colours on the paper that I simply forgot to upload the picture here.

Friday 3 October 2014

TS - Line Scribbles

Line Scribbles - Ink Marker
Nothing special today. Just a few quick scribbles. As simple as the first row is, as nice does it look to me. The second row is a bit more "sophisticated"; the bottom left would need some axis labels the bottom right reminds me somehow of Picasso, no idea why.

Wednesday 1 October 2014

TS - Wine Glasses

Wine Glass v.1.0 - Pencil, Aquarelle
Wine Glass v.1.1 - Aquarelle
Wine Glass v.1.2 - Pencil, Aquarelle

And last but not least all of them together. I think I like the first one for the depth of the colour in the wine. The second one for the shade and how the red has bleed into the glass, unfortunately the stem of the glass is a bit to fat. The third one has a nice light spot on the right and the contour of the glass is great; I used a finer brush for it and that paid off. The stem is the best as well, in my opinion.
Wine Glass - Pencil, Aquarelle