Sunday 25 October 2015

Wednesday 21 October 2015

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Sorry for the delay in pictures. The reasons are many but it mostly comes down to me spending time outside the house and not having much time in the afternoons to draw or upload.
The weekend will be better again.

Saturday 17 October 2015

TS - Wohnzimmer

Wohnzimmer - Ink Pen
The view from my couch.

I got a bit lazy, that seems to be a theme lately, and ...

  1. didn't finish the sketch.
  2. messed up some of the perspective in the sketch.
  3. didn't add aquarelle as I had originally planned.

Instead of all of these I made a huge pile of latkes and ate myself stupid on them...

Friday 16 October 2015

TS - Sunrise

Sunrise - Ink Pen
And below is the making of Sunrise.

TS Geometry I - III

Geometry II - Ink Pen 

I've been trying to prove that α = ß + γ. It's a little math puzzle that Martin Gardner originally came up with. As I love geometry I thought it would be easy to prove without using trigonometry, however I have been stuck on it for a couple of days now. Yesterday I only tried to make a picture out of it (see above) but then got sucked back into solving it,

Tuesday 13 October 2015

TS - Unnamed

Unnamed - Pencil
I've been playing around with rectangles and squares and only once I was done I noticed that my sketches look a bit like they are in perspective.

Monday 5 October 2015

TS - Sun Ray

Sun Ray - Pencil, Colour Pencil, Aquarelle Pencil, Marker, White Out
I really like this one, just like the Winter Sonne.

TS - Dots

Dots - Acrylic on Canvas
Another one of my wife's and my projects in our home. Sorry for the super bright spot from the sun light.

Thursday 1 October 2015

TS - Circles and Lines I through IV

I did make some quick sketches today but somehow cannot get them onto the computer. Pictures will come tomorrow.
Circles and Lines - Markers