Thursday 30 April 2015

Monday 27 April 2015

BP - Spheres of the Earth

Spheres of the Earth - Pencil, Marker, Straight Edge, Compass
This is an unfinished work of which I'm not sure whether or not I'll ever finish it. I started constructing something with the compass and straight edge, and then I started colouring something in and now it looks very boring and ordinary. No idea where it will go or if it will go to anything. The way it is right now though I'm not loving it, to say the least.

TS - Erde und Feuer

Erde und Feuer - Marker
I am finally back (and motivated to draw) from holiday and am hoping to add pictures every day again.

This picture started the other way around but once it was done I kind of felt that it would better the other way around.

Sunday 19 April 2015

On Vacation

Just a quick note, I'll be gone for a couple of days on vacation. There might or might not be any pictures coming for that time.

BP - Constructed Polygons

Pentagon - Pencil, Ink Pen, Marker, Straight Edge, Compass
Hexagon - Pencil, Ink Pen, Marker, Straight Edge, Compass
These were actually made some time last week, I somehow just forgot to upload them and now can't remember any more when I made them.

TS - Triangles

Triangles - Pencil, Colour Pencil, Ink Pen, Straight Edge, Compass
This is not yet finished but so far I am liking it. I actually worked on it yesterday so really it should have been uploaded then but I wanted to wait for some daylight to take the picture.

Saturday 18 April 2015

TS - Polygon Constructions

Polygon Constructions - Ink Pen, Pencil, Straight Edge, Compass
I always loved geometry and the way in which you can construct shapes without using a protractor but just with a straight edge and a compass.

Wednesday 15 April 2015

TS - Bic Pen

Bic Pen - Ballpoint Pen, Marker
Another product of a meeting.
I'm quite happy with the bottom bit of it, the mix of blue ballpoint pen and blue marker gives it a nice reflective look to it. The semi translucent plastic piece was a bit harder to make nicely and I'm not fully convinced. Last but not least I don't think that the letters are morphed in the right way to show the curvature of the pen.

Tuesday 14 April 2015

TS - Tree

Tree - Ink Pen, Aquarelle, Colour Pencil
As I'm writing this the picture is still drying up a bit more before I take a picture of it. I like the mix of ink pen and water colour, straight -almost technical- lines mixed with rough water colour.
As I'm watching the aquarelle dry I am wondering if I should get some more colour pencils in there. Just to mix things up a bit more.

Saturday 11 April 2015

TS - Construction

Construction - Pencil, Colour Pencil
I've been watching a lot of videos about math lately and this one reminded me a lot of constructing accurate geometric shapes without using anything more than a straight edge ruler and a compass. This was supposed to become a regular 17 sided polygon. Well.... turns out they are difficult to construct accurately and I constructed a (mostly) regular 22 sided polygon.
If I made it larger it probably would be more accurate, and using a better sharpened colour pencil would also help.

Wednesday 8 April 2015

TS - Wave v.2.0

Wave v.2.0 - Ink Pen, Marker
Another one of the waves. Again inspired by pictures from Ray Collins.

Tuesday 7 April 2015

TS - Wave v.1.1

Wave v.1.1 - made with Adobe Draw
Just another redraw of yesterday's picture, this time on the iPad, which I again and again have to notice is just an OK drawing medium but. It a great one, the resolution of "pen" strokes is just too low.

Monday 6 April 2015

TS - Waves

Waves - Ink Pen, Marker
Inspired by photographs from Ray Collins, who takes amazing pictures of waves. Check some of them out here.

Sunday 5 April 2015

TS - Lines

Lines - Colour Pencil, Ink Pen
Tonight, for the first time in a while, felt like I actually really wanted to draw. For what ever reason the past few weeks have been a drag to get myself to draw and when I did I wasn't really in it with my whole head. Let's hope this is about to change again.

A short not on the picture too: unfortunately the top and bottom horizontal are not perfectly parallel in this image. I really need to invest in some kind of camera stand that will allow me to get pictures that are lit well and not distorted due to the angle at which I hold my ipad (so professional...).

Saturday 4 April 2015

TS - Wolken

Wolken - Pencil, Marker, Ink Pen, White Out
A couple clouds from the sky I can see outside my window. These past few days we've have nice puffy clouds. In German I would call them Schäfchenwolken - Lambclouds

Thursday 2 April 2015

TS - Brown on Blue v.11.0

Brown on Blue v.11.0 - Ink Pen, Marker
I have been having a hard time these past few weeks to get me going on drawing each day. I think I need to refocus on this again. Maybe cleaning up my desk and just playing around with some older picture ideas will help.
Working on the Brown on Blue Theme again could be a start for this.