Monday 30 March 2015

TS - Fencers

Fencers - Pencil, Marker
A very quick sketch to practice movement in humans. There was another one I did after this one but it turned out less than what I wanted it to be (not that this one is great either).

Sunday 29 March 2015

Wednesday 25 March 2015

TS - Dwarf Face

Dwarf Face - Pencil, Ink Pen, Marker
Nothing great today. Somehow I'm not feeling it this week, it's not even that I'm having a lot of work that I'm doing otherwise but somehow when I get home I just don't feel like drawing. Let's hope this will pass soon.

Friday 20 March 2015

BP - Foot

Foot - Pencil
And another quick sketch, same person, different angle.
Somehow the angle on the line of the outer arch of the foot ended up looking strange...

TS - Face

Face - 7B Pencil
 A quick sketch from tonight.

Tuesday 17 March 2015

TS - MidNight Desert

MidNight Desert - Pencil, Ink Pen, Marker
Another perspective picture, just for practicing perspective. One question I noticed I still have is how to put shadows into correct perspective.

Monday 16 March 2015

TS - Desert Cube

Desert Cube - Pencil, Ink Pen, Marker
I've been reading a great book (Comic? [Graphic Novel?]) called Perspective for comic book artists by David Chelsea. I always had a firm grasp of geometry and perspective but some of the methods for constructing shapes that are accurately set in perspective are fascinating. I knew of one, two and three point perspective and understood the idea of convergence and foreshortening but I never really knew how work with all these accurately. So far I've always just taken a guess based on what looked right. Well... no more of that, now that I know how to do it properly.

Sunday 15 March 2015

TS - Frog Warrior v.2.4 - Final

Frog Warrior v.2.4 - Final
The 2nd Frog Warrior is ready to ride into battle.

I'm quite pleased with the picture, especially the little orange hairs on the beetle add a nice detail to the picture.

Saturday 14 March 2015

TS - Frog Warrior v.2.3 - Progress

Frog Warrior v.2.3 - Ink Pen, Pencil, Aquarelle
Just a picture to show the progress on this piece. It needs to dry now, then will get some more aquarelle on it and after drying again some more details in colour pencil.

Thursday 12 March 2015

TS - Frog Warrior - Evolution

Frog Warrior v.2.0 - Pencil
Frog Warrior v.2.1 - Pencil, Ink Pen 
Frog Warrior v.2.2 - Pencil, Ink Pen
The Evolution of the Frog Warrior. We'll see when this one is going to be ready, I would love to continue sketching on it tonight but the idea of going to bed and sleeping is also a very sweet prospect.

Saturday 7 March 2015

TS - Meeting Notes - Rauten

Meeting Notes - Rauten - Pencil, Colour Pencil, Ink Pen
A little work from work today. Once I got home it was lifted off (cut out) of the note book and stuck on some nice looking paper.

Wednesday 4 March 2015

TS - Tri-an-gle

Tri-an-gle - Pencil, Ink Pen, Ballpoint Pen
A little sketch that combines straight lines and arrows. I am envisioning something like this on a very large scale with a much neater triangle lattice to build on. I'm also interested in playing around with the angle of the diagonal lines to the horizontal lines and to each other.

Tuesday 3 March 2015

TS - Candles

Candles - Pencil, Aquarelle Pencil, Marker, Ink Pen 
I'm not sure if I'm completely done with it yet, I might come back to it again in a few days and add a little bit to it here and there.
Until then though I'm quite happy with the colours that are in there and how you can see the structure of the paper.

Monday 2 March 2015

TS - Bridgman's [39]

Bridgman's [39] v.1.0 - Pencil, Aquarelle Pencil, Water
I'm not sure what to think of this one. The proportions are a bit off and somehow the right arm looks all strange to me. My favourite part about it is the stomach and hips I think.

So I tried it again, on better paper and with more rash and quick pencil strokes, something I always find makes sketches look more interesting.

First without any added water and then ...
Bridgman's [39] v.2.0 - Aquarelle Pencil
with water added on afterwards to create shades and to bring out some of the vivid colours.
Bridgman's [39] v.2.1 - Aquarelle Pencil, Water

Sunday 1 March 2015

TS - Frog Warrior - Final Picture

Frog Warrior - Final Picture - Ink Pen, Aquarelle, Colour Pencil
Not much was added today just a few details with colour pencil and a final layer of hair spray to stop any smudges later on.

Below you can see the progression from the first sketch to the final picture.