Saturday 28 February 2015

Saturday 21 February 2015

Travel Break

I'll be traveling for a couple of days and likely won't be able to upload a picture every day. I still plan to make a picture every day and so there will be a larger post coming once I'm back.

Friday 20 February 2015

TS - Frog Warrior - progress

Frog Warrior - Ink Pen 
Frog Warrior - Ink Pen, Aquarelle
Just a quick progress update on this picture. It's clearly not done yet but I'm tired and will continue on it another day.

Wednesday 18 February 2015

BP - Frog Warrior

Frog Warrior (Draft) - Pencil
I was surfing the internet earlier this afternoon and found the below picture of a frog sitting on (riding?) a type rhinoceros beetle. The pictures is just amazing and got me the idea of the little frog riding into battle. So naturally I started sketching and playing around with it.
We'll see where this picture is going in the next few days.

TS - Meeting Squares

Meeting Squares - Colour Pencil, Pencil, Ballpoint Pen
Another doodle from a meeting.

Monday 16 February 2015

TS - Mademoiselle Café

Mademoiselle Café - Coffee, edited with Tayasui Sketches
Another coffee inspired (or is it fuelled?) picture.
I am not super convinced of all the proportions but I kind of had to work with the blotches of coffee on the milk foam I had.

Sunday 15 February 2015

TS - Industrial Landscape

Industrial Landscape - Marker, Ink Pen
Sometimes the "ugly" industrial areas of a city can have a certain charm to them. This one purely from my mind, however, everyday I drive past a water tower very similar to the one in the picture. Something about the view at it from the overpass I go over catches my eye every time again. Unfortunately I can't really stop to take a picture or sketch from there. So for now pictures of it from my minds eye need to suffice.

Thursday 12 February 2015

TS - Coffee Surfer

Coffee Surfer v1.0 - Coffee, added to with Adobe Line
 A little something that was made with the help with my daily coffee...
A little while still I would have claimed that I don't feel the effect of caffeine and only enjoy the taste of coffee. However lately I do notice that I'm incredibly tired in the morning until I have had a coffee. It might be time to go on a bit of a coffee withdrawal.
Too much coffee or not, sometimes interesting shapes "happen" he n my coffee and I use them as an excuse to incorporate them into something.

Coffee Surfer v.2.0 - Coffee, added to with Adobe Line

Wednesday 11 February 2015

TS - Meeting Notes (Compasses)

Meeting Notes (Compasses) - Pencil, Ballpoint Pen
I have been particularly unmotivated these past weeks to really engage with the pen and paper and I think I now know why. I just don't have the time to do everything I want every day and these past weeks I've been very happy to read comic books* **, make tasty dinners and go to bed early. All three things that are certainly worth spending my time on but unfortunately come at the cost of the daily sketches. So until I'm out of this phase I might not upload a picture every day.

* especially Tin Tin
** Which I take out from the library for my students...

Sunday 8 February 2015

Saturday 7 February 2015

TS - Midnight Moon

Midnight Moon - Ink Pen, Marker
Based on a super old picture of mine which, unfortunately is buried somewhere in my old stuff from before university times even.

Friday 6 February 2015

TS - Folding Paper v.4.0

Folding Paper v.4.0 - made with Adobe Line
Other than the last ones of this kind, this one wasn't modeled on an actual piece of folded paper but was completely created in my head.

Thursday 5 February 2015

Tuesday 3 February 2015

TS - Circle Training 03.02.15

Circle Training - Pencil
Plain and simple, a quick practice to keep up creativity. I mentioned it way back in July of last year. Today it took 2 + 2 minutes to complete 17 of the 24 circles.

I'm thinking of maybe doing this every day to see where it will bring me.

Monday 2 February 2015

TS - Coloured Strips v.2.0 - updated

Coloured Stripes v.2.0 - Aquarelle, Ink Pen
The image is a bad one with the glare but the original is quite nice. Have to see if I can get a better image tomorrow when the daylight is still around.
Update: I just uploaded a better quality image that I took earlier today when the sun was still out.

TS - Stripes

Stripes - Aquarelle, Pencil
Apparently I am pretty bad at getting back into the the swing of drawing/sketching every day. I would pledge to be better in the future but I also hate over promising (as I have done here in the past). So I'm just going to leave it at this.

About this picture though: It was drawn last night, just before the power went out. I only started with the coloured lines which were my starting point. The pencil lines came later as I found that my markings on the paper for measurement purposes kind of looked nice. It gives the whole thing a technical look.