Sunday 15 November 2015

TS - Elephants I and II

Elephants I - Pencil
Elephants II - Pencil
Just quick sketches to study elephant head anatomy. Ultimately I'm hoping to develop a character for a story out of this.

Saturday 14 November 2015

Thursday 12 November 2015

TS - Rocket

Rocket - Colour Pencil

TS - Light Bulb

Light Bulb - Pencil

TS - Lantern Sides

I recently went to a St. Martins Parade, something I haven't been to in a long time. These were the four sides on my lantern.

Lantern I - Ink Pen, Marker
Lantern II - Colour Pencil, Pencil 
Lantern III - Marker 
Lantern IIII - Marker

TS - Clouds

Clouds - Pencil, Colour Pencil
I like how clouds in the morning sometimes get those orange, redish tips on them. Tried to capture this here.

Monday 2 November 2015

TS - Elephant and Space Flight

Elephant and Space Flight - Pencil, Colour Pencil
I've found it difficult the last couple of days (read weeks) to motivate myself. But today, once I did pick up the pencil again, it was fun and went quite smoothly. Maybe I'll just need to make sure I start again each day.

Sunday 25 October 2015

Wednesday 21 October 2015

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Sorry for the delay in pictures. The reasons are many but it mostly comes down to me spending time outside the house and not having much time in the afternoons to draw or upload.
The weekend will be better again.

Saturday 17 October 2015

TS - Wohnzimmer

Wohnzimmer - Ink Pen
The view from my couch.

I got a bit lazy, that seems to be a theme lately, and ...

  1. didn't finish the sketch.
  2. messed up some of the perspective in the sketch.
  3. didn't add aquarelle as I had originally planned.

Instead of all of these I made a huge pile of latkes and ate myself stupid on them...

Friday 16 October 2015

TS - Sunrise

Sunrise - Ink Pen
And below is the making of Sunrise.

TS Geometry I - III

Geometry II - Ink Pen 

I've been trying to prove that α = ß + γ. It's a little math puzzle that Martin Gardner originally came up with. As I love geometry I thought it would be easy to prove without using trigonometry, however I have been stuck on it for a couple of days now. Yesterday I only tried to make a picture out of it (see above) but then got sucked back into solving it,

Tuesday 13 October 2015

TS - Unnamed

Unnamed - Pencil
I've been playing around with rectangles and squares and only once I was done I noticed that my sketches look a bit like they are in perspective.

Monday 5 October 2015

TS - Sun Ray

Sun Ray - Pencil, Colour Pencil, Aquarelle Pencil, Marker, White Out
I really like this one, just like the Winter Sonne.

TS - Dots

Dots - Acrylic on Canvas
Another one of my wife's and my projects in our home. Sorry for the super bright spot from the sun light.

Thursday 1 October 2015

TS - Circles and Lines I through IV

I did make some quick sketches today but somehow cannot get them onto the computer. Pictures will come tomorrow.
Circles and Lines - Markers

Tuesday 29 September 2015

TS - Heads

Heads - Pencil, Ballpoint Pen
Quick and dirty sketches from a meeting. Nothing to refined and definitely a testament to the struggle with proportions.

Sunday 27 September 2015

TS - Wall

Wall - Wallpaint on Wall
Not a great image of a pretty great project my wife and I completed over the weekend. I must say the ideas wasn't mine but I helped in completing it.
I will need to update the picture here once the sun is up again so I can get a proper picture.

BP - Fish Pond

Fish Pond - Fountain Pen

TS - Untitled

Untitled - Pencil

TS - Squares

Squares - Pencil
Somehow never got uploaded last week. A little doodle from a meeting.

Monday 21 September 2015

TS - Woyzeck

Woyzeck - Pencil, Ink, Aquarelle
I've been reading Woyzeck by Georg Büchner, one of my favourite German classics from school times. The play is only a fragment and the order of the scenes have been interpreted differently by different people.
On this picture you see how I imagine Woyzeck in front of quotes from him. If you read German they can give you a brief summary of how I think the story could have gone. Start reading at the top, work your way down and then back up, reading upside down*.

*sorry about that, I didn't think about the spacing beforehand and then had to squeeze lines inbetween the already written ones. To not disturb the order I had to come up with some way of differentiating them.

Sunday 20 September 2015

TS - Winter Sonne

Winter Sonne - Pencil, Colour Pencil, Chalk, White Out, Marker, Aquarelle, Aquarelle Pencil
The idea for this general mix of colours and the general composition came from the Blood Moon two days ago. I like this one even better though because the structure of the paper and the lines the pencils made on the paper are much more fine grain and detailed. You, obviously, also don't have to deal with the pesky repetitions of brush patterns you get on the iPad when using a "brush".

Wednesday 16 September 2015

TS - Fish I through IV

Some of these sketches were actually made some time between 1 and 3 month ago. I had done them on the iPad and then totally forgotten about them. When flipping through my sketches today I found this small album titled: "Characters". The first three sketches were made, and forgotten about, a while back, the Pike is todays addition.
Ultimately I am hoping to use these as characters for a story, though at the moment I don't have the story to go with them at all.

Fish I - Made with Tayasui Sketches
Fish II - Made with Tayasui Sketches
Fish III - Made with Tayasui Sketches
Fish IV - Made with Tayasui Sketches