Thursday 31 July 2014

Tägliche Skizze - Circle Training

Circle Training - 3 Minutes and Pencil
I didn't quite feel like drawing today so I just made three circles and then gave myself 1 minute to turn each of them into something else. I read about something similar years ago. The aim of the exercise is to develop your creativity by taking a sheet full of circles and trying to turn as many of them into something new within a limited amount of time. I believe it can now be found all over the internet under the name of 30 circle challenge. I've named my own version of it Circle Training - makes it sound like something athletic...

Wednesday 30 July 2014

An Older Picture - Yellow on Blue

Yellow on Blue - Pencil, Colour Pencil and Ink
I love this little picture I made in my little (it's not more than ten by 7 centimetres) notebook, but because it was done before this project went online I felt that I needed to use it only as inspiration for these two pictures.

Tägliche Skizze - Brown on Blue

Brown on Blue v.1.0 - Pencil and Colour Pencil

Almond on Blue v.1.1- Pencil, Colour Pencil and an Almond
Brown and blue are two colours that go incredibly well together and I like the natural colours of the almond even better than the colour pencil I put on the paper.
The actual drawing is the same in both pictures but because I'm still photographing my pictures the lighting is slightly different, hence the difference in the colour tone of the two images.

Staying Creative

While I don't value all of the 29 rules equally I find some of them very important not only for staying creative but for achieving more personal fulfilment - away from work.

Sunday 27 July 2014

Clouds - one of the visually most amazing objects in nature

A cloud in aquarelle and pencil

Clouds are, in my opinion, one of the, visually, most amazing objects in nature. Unfortunately pictures, drawings, sketches, paintings, etc... never truly do them justice.

And again: apologies for the poor image quality. I updated the picture with a better quality image.

Tägliche Skizze - An Anvil

A stylised anvil

Todays lesson: Moleskin paper is not suitable for aquarelle colours.

Also: the image quality is abominable, I'll try to work on it. I updated the image with a better quality photo of my sketchbook.

Saturday 26 July 2014

Tägliche Skizze - a stamp

A sketch of a stamp from my sketchbook.
About a year ago I bought a sketch book and created headings on each page with random items I thought of. My idea was that I could draw one picture, based on the heading, each day. This project got forgotten soon and I just picked the book up again today and am posting it here to keep me filling the pages -- or any other paper -- with sketches, drawings, etc... each day.